Monday, March 12, 2007

Picture of the Day

That's Danny Kaye and Judy Garland meeting with John Kennedy in the Oval Office. Check out Judy Garland - she's leaning on the President's desk and smoking a cigarette. JFK would have been well with his rights to send her to Gitmo for that one.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Judy Garland, there is an exciting and popular new group on Yahoo called THE JUDY GARLAND EXPERIENCE. The group features hours of ultra rare and unreleased downloadable audio files by Judy, great photo’s, lively discussion, and more! The membership is the most ecletic gathering of Garland fans anywhere and includes Judy’s family members, friends, people who worked with her and saw her perform, directors and producers of Garland related projects, authors of Judy biographies, historians, and more! The only thing missing is you. Please stop by our little Judyville, and check it out, you may never want to leave!
