Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Place your bets

Will Palin withdraw? Intrade has a betting line:
Price for Sarah Palin to be withdrawn as Republican VP nominee at intrade.com


  1. i was thinking the same thing. has that ever happened before? a vp choice bowing out before the election?

  2. Yes, such things have happened. It happened to Tom Eagleton, who was George McGovern's pick for VP in 1972. It turned out that Eagleton had been in a psychiatric hospital and had been subjected to electroshock therapy, which was considered a bit scandalous at the time. Eagleton withdrew from the ticket and was replaced by Ed Muskie. McGovern got slaughtered in the election, although that would have happened anyway.

  3. i'd love to see mccain get slaughtered. it'll send a message that people with two xx chromosomes aren't that stupid.

  4. I think Palin's speech tomorrow is going to be HUGE!!!! I think it will be interesting to see if more people watch her speech or McCain's. Also people are going to eat her up, they will love her as much as I do (I hope so anyways)
