Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Slice Cake

I tried something a little weird for my wife's birthday cake. She's a big fan of the Slice, a "handheld cordless digital design cutter." Pretty cool machine. It looks like this:Anyway, here's the cake version:


  1. You could totally quit your day job for cake decorating. People would pay you big bucks!

  2. If I lose my job due to the recession, I'm hoping I can fall back on baking. Also, as it turns out, I'm really good at step classes, at least on Wii Fit. So maybe I could teach a step class, too.

  3. Could you make a cake depicting the major plot points of Watchmen? It'd save me ten bucks.

  4. Well if you're asking, with the squid, but without Dr. Manhattan's wang.
