Here's a weird coincidence. Over the past few years, a small group of liberal activists in Colorado have put together a shadowy network of 527s and independent expenditure committees to help raise money for Democratic candidates in competitive state legislative races. This was detailed in a recent book by Adam Schrager and Rob Witwer. Republicans, after getting their tails kicked for a few election cycles in a row, have formed a counter-organization that promises to raise $10 million to help Republican statehouse candidates.
Meanwhile, Politico reports that over the past few years, a small group of liberal activists across the country have put together a shadowy network of 527s and independent expenditure committees to help raise money for Democratic candidates in competitive congressional races. This was detailed in a recent book by Matt Bai. Republicans, after getting their tails kicked for a few election cycles in a row, have formed a counter-organization that promises to raise $50-70 million to help Republican congressional candidates.
Is this same thing going on in other states right now? Does part of the Republican plan include bragging about these organizations in major media outlets at both the state and national level? If so, what's the point of the overt bragging? To intimidate Democrats? To encourage good Republican candidates to run this year? It's an interesting strategy, but I'm not totally sure where it's going.'s about barking, not biting.