Has it been a cold winter where you are? Do we think the global warming scare is over? Well, the
National Climatic Data Center helpfully provides data on temperatures in the U.S. since 1895. Their chart output is a bit messy -- I prefer exporting the table into a program like Stata that can do nice graphs with smoother lines, like this one:

Isn't that pretty? Oh, wait, we're gonna die.
Nice graph. Still not convinced we are entering a warming period, and more importantly, that it is caused by man. The Earth is old, and 40 years is am amazingly short time span.
Believe what you want, dude. All this graph really shows is that whatever warming trend we're in is not over. That is, it refutes this crap.
Maybe it's the inverse of the party decline literature.
Ah, now it makes sense. The parties are growing more polarized and hostile to each other because it's getting hotter.
For awhile, it was global warming. Now it's called "climate change" to shake the reality that there have been some nasty winters recently.
But let's go ahead and restructure our economy, costing conservatively trillions and causing massive job loss because some people say the Earth has been warming, oops, I mean changing. And it's still unclear whether fossil fuels are to blame.
You're right. Let's continue sawing the tops off of Appalachian mountain peaks to extract the coal while propping up despotic regimes in the Middle East by buying their oil. No negative externalities to the status quo.
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